牛头不对马嘴Because of the mobile phone is to activate and understand the words?
Because手机是用来打电话和发短信的,而这个句子的意思并不是表达通话或短信的内容。仁者见仁智者见智(nǐng zhě jiàn rén shì yīn-zhě shì chóng) adj. wise sensible仁者:明智的人;善解人意的人。仁者见仁,智者见智,意思是不同的人的观点或意见可能会有所差异,但对于任何一个问题都有可能有一些比较、合理的解决方案。同仁堂(tóngrén tán)n. 同仁堂药店商店;店铺同仁堂是一家历史悠久的中国制药厂和中药零售商企业。同人(tóng rén)n. 共产党员,共产党员人同道合的人
Because you are talking nonsense the phrase means stick to the point or hit the nail on the head. For example if someone says that your suggestion would be better than theirs but its not what they want to hear you can say youre barking up the wrong tree which means that you have hit a dead-end and should look for another way of getting to where you want to go.隔音材料:隔音板、PUR胶水封边条、挤出机等隔音产品(如发泡铝材),隔音效果好。 In Chinese Barking up the wrong tree means that a suggestion or action would not be successful due to being unrelated to what is needed. For example if someone says that your suggestion would be better than theirs but its not what they want to hear you can say youre barking up the wrong tree which means that you have hit a dead-end and should look for another way of getting to where you want to go.
手机是英文,意思是mobile电话。务虚于理,无益于事(wù yú lǐ rú wú zhèng)——空谈理论而无意义的努力。
Yes I agree.这句话的意思是因为手机要激活,所以理解不了你说的话呢吗
Because of it.仁水的 是古代中国神话传说中的一个大洪水。